Although not a trained chef nor culinary graduate, I can proudly assume the title of food lover and cookery heathen. This blog, based out of Prague, came into existence in 2014 firstly when I had craved the smells and tastes of home, in Connecticut. As I began my journey then to recreate the recipes of my young adulthood, my curiosity into European cuisine grew. I wanted to learn the techniques needed to execute tasty, satisfying, and memorable dishes.
It didn’t go well at first – and that was ok. Beyond learning languages (food packaging comes to mind), Fahrenheit to Celsius, grams to ounces, market aisles devoted to varying flour alone, and just how much does a “stick of butter” weigh anyhow? (..113 grams, if you were wondering). Yet I taught myself and created far better food and cooking memories at home. Learning should not end when you wrap classes as a young adult but should be a lifetime gift to yourself.
Much has changed since 2014. The city has changed and offers much more diversity with food. I, too, have changed since then and am more curious in learning how to recreate tastes from my travels. Cheesy and warm Georgian Khachapuri breads, fresh green peppercorn sauces from Avignon for tuna steaks, or my favorite, the German Christstollen, from yearly Christmas market trips to the Stollenfest held in Dresden. The blog is inspired by my recent travels which allow me and readers to explore these tastes and learn how to replicate delicious recipes at home together.
Let’s take a journey and let’s get cooking. Cooking & storytelling here on The Bell Kitchen.