June 2015


Čokoládovo-mandlový dort s rumem a Tastino sušenkami

“Nemyslím si, že jsem někdy soutěžil v nějaké kuchařské soutěži. Nikdy jsem nad tím nepřemýšlel, vlastně jsem ani neměl příležitost, se nějaké kulinářské soutěže zúčastnit. Jednoho dne můj manžel někde objevil soutěž od Lidlu pro všechny vášnivé blogaře a přemlouval mě, abych se zúčastnil. . . “


Chocolate Almond & Cherry Rum Cake

“In recent memory, minus perhaps a Boy Scout cake walk when I was 11 years-old, I don’t think I have ever competed in any sort of food challenge in my life. I never quite gave it much thought nor have had the opportunity to give it a go . . .”

Meat Dishes

Poulet aux Pommes de Terre: Baked Chicken and a Daydream

“As we close out the 3rd week of June (terribly hard to believe) I feel as if I should be making the most of each day and every ray of sunshine that casts itself down on Prague. I can feel myself resisting winter with each day that passes and drags me closer to the gray, central European doldrums like an undertow . . .”

Meat Dishes

Porc à l’Italienne: Early Summer in Prague

“The summer revealed itself to all of Prague this past week; warming the sidewalks like a kitchen burner, tempering the breeze with the southern European heat, and whitewashing the stucco and Renaissance sgraffito that spirals up the city’s buildings like ivy. The tourists . . .”

Baking Desserts

DRØMMEKAGE: Danish Coffee Cake at the Cottage

“As the weekend approaches and excitement brews, so do we as we begin to plan our weekend. Plans to zip to visit a friend, take the yoga class, sort out the house, or schedule in a nap. Even if it is the laziest of times, we sometimes forget that lazy is often ironically scheduled in. For me . . .”