Italian Dreamin’: Lemon Olive Oil Cake with Cherries
“Cherries are just coming into season here in Prague – a sure sign summer is well upon us and we have completed another trip around the sun.”
Tales of Taste, Travel, & Home Cookery
“Cherries are just coming into season here in Prague – a sure sign summer is well upon us and we have completed another trip around the sun.”
“Lazy weekend mornings in winter – a human form materializing from under the 3 layers of Scandinavian down at 8 a.m. – the first waking 5 minutes to loiter in starched white bed sheets with a phone, with the December sun . On weekends I am sunny-side-up, positive, and anticipating . . .”
“I recently came across a few European olive oil recipes specific to baking the last few weeks and wanted to give them a go. In the past, I have really enjoyed savory Italian breads with sundried tomatoes but haven’t explored into continental cakes or the quintessential sweet loaves. Baking with . . .”
“Nemyslím si, že jsem někdy soutěžil v nějaké kuchařské soutěži. Nikdy jsem nad tím nepřemýšlel, vlastně jsem ani neměl příležitost, se nějaké kulinářské soutěže zúčastnit. Jednoho dne můj manžel někde objevil soutěž od Lidlu pro všechny vášnivé blogaře a přemlouval mě, abych se zúčastnil. . . “
“In recent memory, minus perhaps a Boy Scout cake walk when I was 11 years-old, I don’t think I have ever competed in any sort of food challenge in my life. I never quite gave it much thought nor have had the opportunity to give it a go . . .”
“As the weekend approaches and excitement brews, so do we as we begin to plan our weekend. Plans to zip to visit a friend, take the yoga class, sort out the house, or schedule in a nap. Even if it is the laziest of times, we sometimes forget that lazy is often ironically scheduled in. For me . . .”